The Neverending Story is a magical film with an enchanting and imaginative story The film follows a young boy named Bastian who begins to read a mysterious book, but soon finds himself becomingMar 04, 19 · A never ending tale Of the three brain cells Talking first of Love, Cause she is the queen, Created a web for the other two, Now, Devil as she is, Taunts them to battle, Confused as she is, Not wants to share her castle Here comes Dream, Promises to bring the moon down, To display the sparkling sky, Which soon made Love realise, Her castle40 out of 5 stars A NeverEnding Tale Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 09 The illustrations are truly illustrative in the third of a series of books of parables (One Upon a Tale; A Tale Of Three Places Bamboo Bali And Never Ending Neon Wit Never ending talks quotes